Our latest innovation for Tambour Door closures that come right down to the floor is an ADDITIONAL simple, letterbox handle! Stop the stoop! It's an extra handle (not an alternative handle) - designed purely for Tambour Doors that close to the floor - see how it works in this video.

Normally, the handle for our Tambour Doors would have to be located at the bottom of the door. In any other position, it would block the door from being fully rolled up. Our new, low-profile letterbox-style handle integrates with the door curtain and can be placed comfortably in a higher position that is easier to reach.

This manual closure is also a brilliant solution for customers who love our Tambour Doors, but don't want an electronic closure, which can be slower moving up and down.


Applications for Luxul Tambour doors

“Roller Shutters” have evolved far beyond their original popular use as bench-end cupboards. They are now a trusted, sleek solution for any situation where doors cannot occupy any additional footprint. They are great for laundries, media cabinets, kitchen pantries, appliance cupboards and beverage cabinets when space, looks, and functionality are paramount in your design. They create more space, conceal clutter and exude designer elegance in a wide range of finishes including timber, aluminium, laminate and acrylic. We even have a push-button model for large doors.


Available from all kitchen designers, kitchen suppliers and cabinetmakers. For more information, click the links below.

Luxul Tambour doors


We have been manufacturing tambour doors since 1994. (Formerly widely known as "Tambortech"). Luxul tambour doors are made-to-measure, customisable, bespoke cabinet door solutions manufactured to suit your renovation dreams and can be retrofitted to existing cabinetry.

They are Australia's best kept secret! The doors roll up without impeding your benchtop, workspace or corridor. You will be amazed at how these doors transform kitchens, laundries, and other spaces in your home by creating more space, concealing clutter, and with our wide range of finishes, bringing designer elegance and practical efficiency that home owners dream of.